The Standard embed code for a Widget looks like this:
[wpmm_widgets id="1411"]
This Standard view shows all the periods in a table as rows.

An alternative view is the Compact view which will allow you to just show 1 entry period at a time and also limit the metrics that you want to show and also enable you to hide goals. This view is based on the responsive design view of the Standard view when seen on a Mobile device.
[wpmm_widgets id="1411" compact="1"]
In this view all metrics and goals are still shown, however you only view one period at a time starting from the most recently completed period.

[wpmm_widgets id="1411" compact="1" hide_goal="1"]
This view is the same as above however removes the access to update goals.

[wpmm_widgets id="1411" compact="1" hide_goal="1" compact_metrics="116"]
This option allows you to only show specific Metrics in the widget based on adding the Metrics's Post ID from wordpress into the variable.

You can find the Metric's post ID by opening up to Metrics in the widget and then hovering over that specific metric to see the URL.

In the URL while hovering over the metric, you will see the ?post=116 parameter that indicates the ID of that WP post. You will also see the post ID when you click the Metric open to edit it in the URL at the top of the browser. You can list as many Metrics as you want to show using a comma to separate the IDs.