XOSync has a published Campaign in the Ontraport Market place that can be used to easily add a follow up campaign to contact that have an overdue amount in Xero.
The campaign is called: XOSync - Xero Overdue Account Follow Up - Click Here to add it to your account
The message is called: XOSync - Xero Overdue > 0 - Invoice Statement - [Template]
- Contact are added to the campaign when the field [Xero Overdue] is > $0.
- Contacts are moved to the Goal and won't receive the follow up if this amount returns to = $0.
- The email is sent each week at the same time - Thursdays at 10am in your Ontraport accounts timezone.
- Contacts that are sent the message will remain on the campaign to be sent the message again the following week until the [Xero Overdue] amount is = $0.
- This campaign will need to be customised for your own business needs
Campaign Map

Message Template